How to Respond to an Ad for a Project.
When asking a potential client for a writing job, for example to represent or purchase a book you have authored, you tell them about your...

Website Mistakes Can Bury a Company’s Name in Search Results.
Mistakes in the design of the website can mean it isn't even optimized for the company's own name.

The CopyPros Ask: Is Internet Advertising A Lost Cause?
At The American Society of Professional Copywriters we know that CopyPros find a wide range of knowledge helps them with their work. We are

10 Ways to Write News Releases That Get Noticed.
Whether you are promoting a business, product, idea or almost anything else, publicity can be the most cost-effective way to get the word...

Copywriting for Television Ads: From Attention to Action.
These Six Steps Will Make Your TV Spots Convey, Convince and Close. Despite inroads made by a $77 billion social media advertising...